East Walnut Hills Assistants


East Walnut Hills
Taft & Woodburn Mural Assistant Applications (CLOSED)

I am seeking part-time assistants to help paint a mural design in the East Walnut Hills community. I am hoping this project might provide young artists pursuing a career in the visual arts some experience and insight into mural production.

Additional links and information:

$15 per hour
Ages 16+

Responsibilities and Requirements:
– Interest in using your current art ability and learning how to transfer an image to a large wall using a grid technique, tracing the design with paint, working with others during the painting process.
– Some experience with drawing and painting required.
– Guiding residents from the neighborhood during public painting days.

– Flexible scheduling: Will be offering a couple daytime shifts during week, a couple evening shifts during week and 1 Saturday shift.
– 7 to 8 hour shifts with breaks.
– Work times may be effected by weather.
– Mural will be completed by September, I am willing to work around school schedules.

Applications Closed July 12, 2021 at Noon

Between June 25 and July 12 we received 57 applications. I am currently reviewing applications and plan to start scheduling follow-up meetings week of July 19 if needed.